Found a Place to Belong!
Hey everyone. I'm a Beachbody gal looking for connections to discuss our workouts! I've done them off and on for years but had a health scare Sept. 2021 and have been doing BB daily since. Just finishing Muscle Burns Fat Advanced on Sunday and think I'm going to start Control Freak on Monday. What programs are everyone…
BB. MBFA. Power Ignite Advanced 27m. Extra Abs 15m.
Hello Everyone
Hello everyone. I'm Shauna but most call me Mom or Grammie. I'm a 59 year old Glammie of 9, so far, that started this journey Sept. 2021 after horrible lipid profile results. I've lost 31 lbs. and gotten my lipid profile within normal limits on Noom but have gotten so into my exercise and weight lifting regimen that I have…
I'm 59 years young, a wife, Glammie of 9, have 3 fur babies and had a lipid profile crisis get me back to taking care of myself. I also have MS and severe cervical and upper back arthritis but refuse to let it define me. Have done Noom.for 6 months with much success. However, since I full into my exercise and weight…
New to the group
Hello everyone. I'm Shauna but most call me Mom or Grammie. I'm a 59 year old Glammie of 9, so far, that started this journey Sept. 2021 after horrible lipid profile results. I've lost 31 lbs. and gotten my lipid profile within normal limits on Noom but have gotten so into my exercise and weight lifting regimen that I have…