I am grateful for the various functions of my body that allows me to move, see, hear, and experience the world. https://liveinthismoment.com/gratitude-beatitude-health/
I'm trying to grow the time I spend "in the zone", a fully focused, optimized performance. I may not be Steph Curry knocking down 3's - but I find when my focus is on point so is my mood, attitude and my outcomes are improved. I know it may seem a bit corny, but this study has really helped me improve my overall quality of…
I found this little morsel https://liveinthismoment.com/self-care-prioritize-sleep/ when looking up sleep help, and thought maybe someone could find it useful. I do my best not to eat before bedtime, but I did find the bit about clock watching helpful. Set my phone across the room to avoid the quick peeks that last until…