What should I set my macros at? Currently: 5’5”, 138#, 51, female- mushy, lethargic, depressed Felt and looked best at 129# in July 2021 I want to be able to eat good food 11:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. that doesn’t sabatoge my exercise efforts in the quest to look and feel better. Got advice on macro goals and/or caloric intake?…
What should I set my macros at? Currently: 5’5”, 138#, 51, female- mushy, lethargic, depressed Felt and looked best at 129# in July 2021 I want to be able to eat good food 11:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. that doesn’t sabatoge my exercise efforts in the quest to look and feel better. Got advice on macro goals and/or caloric intake?