This is the continuation of the topic I posted on 8-15-2011 – “BEGINNERS WORKOUT PLAN”. This is the BEST way for beginners to start their strength training. (= FEEL FREE TO PRINT THIS OUT STRENGTH TRAINING– HOW TO GET STRONGER What you’ll find on this post… • Part 1: What will strength training do for you? • Part 2: What…
This was given to me by a friend who is in the Marines to help me get started in loosing weight. It sounds very simple but it is perfect for beginers new to working out! I will share it with all of you! Once you complete these first four weeks then you can move on to strength training. I will post the strength training…
What is a REALLY GOOD yoga DVD for beginners? I want to start alternating yoga with my P90X every other day so I just want to make sure I get a good, legit DVD for learning. THANKS! =D
Okay so I am kind of starting to get worried so I really need your advice, support, ANYTHING. When I was about 17, I was annerexic. I was tiny. I ate about 5 crackers dipped in ranch everyday and that was IT! Even though I was tiny I literally still thought I was beyond obese. I feel the same about myself now dispite what…
I am running out of creativity for LUNCH ideas. I am on a 1200 calorie diet. Anyone have any good ideas for a healthy, low calorie and FILLING lunch?
My name is Stella! I am new on here, I have just started my diet and excersice plan today! I am trying to join the Coast Guard so I need to get into better shape and loose some weight before leaving!! Also, I feel it will improve my self esteem!! SO HELLO FELLOW DIETERS!! :P