Trying to lose about 25 pounds total over two years... Cheers, t
Have been out of the loop for some time now..... My fiancee has been going through a very hard time -- some health issues, some work -- and so it's been hard to stay on track with my weight, update my status, etc. She's still having a hard time but I realize I have to get back on track so that I can stay healthy for her…
Would like to connect with guys here for mutual support and encouragement. Don't get my wrong -- it's great to have support no matter what the gender, but it would be nice to have a mix. tnx!
Hi -- I'm Thom a 6' 3", 220 lb. 50 year old in Alexandria, VA who hates to diet and hates to exercise but who wants to drop at least 20 - 30 pounds by my wedding day in October 2012. My diet isn't bad -- I eat very little red meat and fast food, lots of veggies and fruit and healthy amounts of milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. I…