Slimming World ??
I am starting Slimming world tonight! and very excited about it. I have seen many success stories on their website, but was wondering whether there are any SWers on here that have success stories of their own, or are / have started recently. Hoping to lose 30lb by my birthday in June (UK)
Slimming World (UK)
I am starting Slimming world tonight! and very excited about it. I have seen many success stories on their website, but was wondering whether there are any SWers on here that have success stories of their own, or are / have started recently. Hoping to lose 30lb by my birthday in June!
Does drinking water really work???
Does drinking lots of water actually help with weight loss? As i only drink about 3 glasses (If that) of low calorie squash per day. I would LOVE to know if drinking water would help my weight loss. :huh:
30 day shred...???
Heyyy all, i have ordered the 30 day shred, and am just waiting for it to be delivered, soon i hope! Eeekk! :D I was just wondering whether there are any genuine success storys from people that have tried and done well. Thanks in advance :)
Unsupportive family!!
I am trying my hardest to shift this bulge, but my fiance is soo unsupportive! He drinks fat coke, sits there while i'm starving hungry eating sweets, crisps, cakes biscuits, you name it he has it. He knows full well that i'm trying to be good and shift this weight but he still sits there and says 'do you want some' 'are…
I can do this, i will do this!!!!
I had my son 3 and a half years ago and put on 4 stone!!!! Since then i lost it all and some, but 2 stone has slowly creeped back on. I never apreciated how slim i was at the time, and for as long as i can remember i've always had an issue with body confidence and never realised how slim i actually was back then, its only…
Hey guys... I've decided today is the day i need to change my ways. My weight has been slowly creeping up and the realisation of it has finally hit.. So today is the first day of the rest of my life.. Need as much encouragement as poss so feel free to add me if anyone also needs a weight loss buddy!! :smile: