Now that the weather is starting to warm up, I'm planning a hike to a lake with my fiance, and I want to pack us a picnic. Trouble is I cant think of anything but pita sandwiches and veggie sticks lol I really want to WOW him with this picnic, any awesome ideas?
So far, in about 2 months time I lost close to 20lbs, but recently I've hit 'a wall' and I haven't lost anything in weeks. I've been staying at the same weight, so it's better than going up, but no matter what I do I just stay the same. I lowered my calorie intake limit, added extra/more intense exercise. Normally I would…
just looking to see if there's anybody out there looking to lose some serious poundage :) if I lose 100lbs I'll be happy with myself. Any other 100+ losers out there? It won't be easy but at least we'll have a support system :)