Protein powder?
anyone use/recommend any?
Any Challenge/Support groups open for New Years?:/
I really need to join a group.. I've lost my motivation lately and the New Year will be tough. any open groups?
New friends?:)
I feel like I haven't never fully gotten involved in the community here and I'd really love to:) I am 5'5" and 108lbs, actually looking to gain muscle but that's beside the point:) I'm very active and friendly and would love new friends *Everyone just add me :) *
Halloween to Christmas *Fitness Group!*
Hello:) I've been here for very long but just now decided to post. I have a long story, but I'll try to keep it short. I struggled with eating disorders since I was 13 and within the past 2 months I've been very healthy. So, instead of being attached to the scale, I'd like to do a before/after pic challenge:) I'm…