Gluten-Free Kids Stealing Non Gluten-Free Food
Hello, My wife, kids and I try to follow the primal blueprint as much as possible. We are all on a strict "no wheat/gluten" diet, and although my wife and I still eat some dairy, our kids don't have any (this was suggested by the doctor/allergist for both my daughter, who has severe asthma, and our son who has…
Primal/Paleo Kids, Stealing Non-Primal/Paleo Food
Hello, My wife, kids and I try to follow the primal blueprint as much as possible. We are all on a strict "no wheat/gluten" diet, and although my wife and I still eat some dairy, our kids don't have any (this was suggested by the doctor/allergist for both my daughter, who has severe asthma, and our son who has…
What is the Paleo/Primal/PaNu/Archevore Lifestyle?
OK; so my wife and I have moved towards the paleo lifestyle recently (in the last month or so), and find we are asked almost daily "what is" and the "why" regarding our new eating habits. We've read a lot of web sites, books, watched videos and concluded what I would consider a fairly substantial personal study before…
I'm new here...
I just wanted to say hi (and see how my signature looks). :wink: