Give us your go to interval workouts for run or bike
So as I get ready for my Tuesday run, I am searching for some variety. I am following a pretty basic 1/2 IM plan that has a lot of “run 4 miles” or “bike 60 mins” I am a big fan of interval training.So what is your favorite interval workout??? **** My favorite for bike or run is a 6 min on-3 off 4 on -2 2 on-1 I will do…
How much climbing is too much climbing for a TRIATHLON?
I come from Florida, so the only elevation change we knew growing up was an overpass. I've done some races on some rolling courses, but yesterday I pre-rode an OLY distance course that is 38kms and has 677meters of climbing( that's 2200ft of climbing in in less then 24 miles, for the math challenged)... It was brutal... No…
injured after the transition
This is the 2nd time this has happened to me in the last 6 months. I have had problems twice with my soleus muscle. The first time was this summer on a sprint Tri. Right after I got off the bike to run it went up hill and *BAM* felt the strain, walked alittle bit and then gutted out the 5k. rehabbed, raced, ran and road a…
Crossfit endurance for HM and HIM
Has anybody used it/ Currently doing it with any success? Im doing a Half Marathon in March with my wife(her first) and a HIM in APR. I've had a bit of a layoff since NOV due to a injury, a bout of the flu and Duck Season. I know that Crossfit is a very polarizing topic in most exercising circles, however, it was a…
Clean fuel on a triathlon
I'm doing a 70.3 at the end of the month and was wondering what "clean" foods you endurance folks use to fuel? I'm really worried about keeping my electrolytes up, cause I am a heavy sweater and bonked on the last race at the 7 mile mark on the run. Suggestions?
HRM Calories
Just curious, How are you guys using your HRM to calculate calories burned?