The boyfriend and I are going to Atlanta tomorrow and coming back Wednesday. It's a 4 hour drive one way and as much as I would love to grab a bunch of candy bars and what not, I can't afford to not exercise and eat a butt-ton of junk food for two days. SO...what's everyone's favorite car-ride foods? (Minus peanuts because…
I don't know what just happened but 1/4 way through my workout, my body and mind just gave out. I'm befuddled lol. I think I may be super tired though because I only got 4.5 hours of sleep last night and I've been up and doing stuff since 8:00am which my body is NOT used to. I know it's 8:30pm but I may take a nap and try…
Hello MyFitnessPal peoples! I have a question for you...I've been feeling a bit swollen lately and started reading up on water pills. I found some at GNC that seem like they would work but I'm still a little skeptical because I hate take medicine/pills anyways. Is this a good idea? Experience? Recommendations?