That's right... I'm a guy, and I'm doing JM's 30-day Shred. And why not? It's moving... I need to move. Heck, I want to be sexy. Really, it's largely gender-neutral, though I do kinda have to laugh at myself a little bit when in Level 2, she says to think about jean shopping... or better yet... swimsuit shopping!…
This is my motivation: My brother-in-law did this last month, and it looked about as awesome as awesome gets. I'm signed up for next year... you get a fuzzy hat, and a turkey leg... RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRR!!!!!!!!
Note: FTW = For The Win I came to this realization that I'm simply disgustingly fat. All straight through college, I couldn't weigh more than 110 pounds (I'm a 5' 3" guy) if I tried. After college, it creeped up... 135 pounds... ok, actually probably better, but that's IT. 145... 155... Ultimately, I found myself at 175…