JM's 30DS. Also, I'm a guy

That's right... I'm a guy, and I'm doing JM's 30-day Shred. And why not? It's moving... I need to move. Heck, I want to be sexy. Really, it's largely gender-neutral, though I do kinda have to laugh at myself a little bit when in Level 2, she says to think about jean shopping... or better yet... swimsuit shopping! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! OMG, I am totally going to look hot in a sassy 2-piece when I meet my goal!

As I told my wife, I'm really looking forward to level 3, so I can see the new outfits... I mean, exercises... yes, that's it, exercises. I mean, come on... JM TOLD me to keep my eyes on the blond, so I'm just following orders. I don't know why the video is paused, clearly something is wrong w/ iTunes. NO, they're called "Hammer Curls"... I'm doing "Hammer Curls"...

So... how bout you? Any other guys out there doing the exercise videos their wife bought, because you don't want to spend more money on workout DVDs, and hey, why not, even if it isn't necessarily completely tailored for your gender, because... I mean... hey... Tony Horton... or the Jillian Michaels Trio? You're REALLY going to pick Tony Horton?

If my food has to be tasteless... why not also my humor? ;) (j/k, wife, last nights dinner was freaking awesome!)


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    HAhaha! Too funny. :) I got my fiance on the Shred! I did it in June and had great results. Last week I was doing level one and i asked him to join me and he did after me asking him since June. The next day he was hurting. That sold him. He started on the 1st and is going for the full 30 days. It is funny when she says come on girls or ladies when he it working out.
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Great post! I'd definitely pick Tony Horton over JM any day! He may be a little quirky at times, but JM is SOOOO boring to me. I lasted about a week doing 30DS before getting Turbo Fire lol
  • daddyzgurl
    Freaking hysterical!
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    This is an awesome post... made my day!! Glad you are at least hanging in there and doing something!! (Even if the hot blonde is a motivator... we all need one!) :blushing:
  • jessicae1aine
    Hahaha you totally made my morning, thank you!

    I've got all the Zumba dvds, and I strongly suspect I'll catch the fiance one of these days when he doesn't know I'm home. :P
  • henney16
    I'm a guy and use the 30DS as well. I mostly ride my bike for my exercise, but there are times due to weather, schedule, and or daddy duty that doesn't allow me to go out and hit the pavement. At one point I'll work up to P90X, but for now the 30DS kicks my butt and I'm not affraid to admit it. I use heavier weights than the ladies in the video to make it a little tougher.
  • fmeisele
    TURBO FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chalene Johnson is AWESOME!!! I'm on Week 9. In person Tony is a good guy but I agree his workouts get boring, but in his defense he's a 50 something year old freak, I've watched him do handstand pushup on parallel bars and climb a rope upside down on Santa Monica beach.
  • jayb123x
    LOL, great post. I don't see anything at all wrong with it, I am a guy doing the 30DS also and have done P90 in the past.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Way to go, guys! My friend's hubby has done the Shred with her, but I have yet to get my husband to try it. She (Jillian) does cater to the women, but the workout could kick anybody's butt, for sure. :bigsmile: Plus, you get eye candy! LOL
  • CandyR1018
    CandyR1018 Posts: 101 Member
    I love it! We have a guy in our group and I love hearing his take on 30DS, he just bought Ripped in 30 and is going to start that next! WHATEVER WORKS!