Yay today i weight in at 142.9kg, so now im halvway to my goal! My goal weight is 100kg and i started on 185.9kg. I started my lifestyle changeing November 2010. So i been doing this for about 15 mounths now. Yeah i know i could do it faster but im happy whit the paste im doing it in, and yay again.. halvway there.…
Hi. Now Christmas is comming up, that i can handle.. Just stay on the turkey. and not all of the other stuff.. Had a few to many cookies here the other day.. but i got the extra weight i gained from that off again now. But here is the problem: Im takeing a 2 weeks vacation in NYC, going the 01.01.2012. Anye idea of how i…
Hi. Im a 28 year old man from Norway. I started my weight loss 19 okt 2010. Then i was at 185,9kg :o i seriusly didnt know in my wildest dream think it was that mutch. That day i started to work out on a fitness center. Bouth me and my feonce. about 1-2 mounts i had to quit the fitness center cause we where kinda low on…