I have heard it over and over and even read a list of negative calorie vegetables. There is research on it both ways. It says 10 calories a stalk on my fitness pal. Just would like to here your insight on this........
I can't find any online calculators on ski/pole walking. I see tons of articles on how it burns 40% more calories while walking. Anyone know?
Does anyone know how many calories are burned in these dvd's. I know it would be an average because everyone works at different intensity levels. I exercise daily and feel the calories burned should be way more than what is listed. I am dripping with sweat during the warm up. It is the most intense exercise I have ever…
I have 19 pounds to loose by December 31, 2011. It is 2.11 pounds a week. (9 weigh-ins) Do you think it is realistic? I think I was asking this same thing last year. If I accomplished this I would have a good chance for our TOPS chapter queen for 2011. Keep me motivated!!! All of you :)