weight dropped, waist INCREASED!?WTF!?!?!
says it all. working out, doing Leangains (*****en, love it). Mirror shows improvement, but wtf is with an increase in waist size? not diggin that at all. thoughts?
is the calories burned flawed?
was just sitting here thinking that eating back calories from working out may not be the best thing. if i want an accurate measure of how many "bonus cals" i get, wouldn't i need to figure out the difference between calorie expenditure sitting on the couch and working out, and then subtract those calories? for example, say…
'Bout over the PolarFT7
i know it's practically sacrilege on this site, but i'm really starting to dis-love the ft7. wifey and i picked it up after I (bold and underline "I") read some terrific things about it on this and other sites. needless to say, now I (see previous parenth) look like a DB. our primary workouts are kickboxing and the chest…
suspenders for my polar ft7?
just got the ft7 and dig it, except for the fact that it slips fairly frequently causing me to have to "check position of strap" or some such. i tried tightening the bejeezus out of it, but the massive exertion i put into working out (tongue in cheek) seems to make the holder dealie on the strap adjustment slip back to the…
Caught my eye
To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Buddha
Hey, I'm here, I'm new. That's all.