I am going to get a Polar heart rate monitor and I have it narrowed down to these 2 models. The FT60 has way more features, but is also way more expensive. Any advice from anyone who has experience with either of these heart rate monitors?
I want to get back at things in the new year and I'd like to join a challenge to motivate me, somewhere where I can post how I'm doing each day. How do I do that with all the challenges being groups now? When I was last active everything was still in the forums and I could just looks through the posts and join in the chat.…
I weighed myself last Friday, which was the day I started. Today, I am starting a challenge and I had to know my weight for it. My question is, if it were you, would you just change your weigh in day to Monday each week, or would you just weigh on Monday for the challenge, but officially update your progress on Fridays?
I just want to post a quick hello. I'm a 31 year old SAHM of 3, a 13 year old, 3 year old and an 18 month old babe. Since the birth of my last 2 kids I have had a difficult time trying to loose weight. I have a BMI of 28.3 which is in the higher end of the overweight realm. I just logged on to this site for the first time…