Just thought I'd share this. It's a summary of information that is already out there, and whilst I don't agree with everything in it, it's an interesting read with respect to some history of the food industry. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jun/11/why-our-food-is-making-us-fat?INTCMP=SRCH Just a snippet: "But…
This is quite inspirational: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-18346128 Just thought I'd share
I am fairly time limited with the amount of exercise I can fit in and am finding myself getting torn between wanting to practice yoga six days a week (allowing a rest day) and doing cardio and weight training as well, which means dropping some of the yoga practice. I just wondered how other people have resolved this. Does…
Interesting article in The Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2012/jan/06/body-image-concerns-men-more-than-women?CMP=SOCNETTXT6966 I think it is skewed by the fact that 52% of respondents were gym members, where only 12% of the (UK) population typically are. Worth a read nevertheless.