Treadmill help please!
Hi! I just bought a Quinton Clubtrack TM and I love it. I am a very busy and very tired mom of two little boys under 5, so thats why I bought this. I was doing 30 DS, but I just found myself to tired for all the jumping around and stuff since I can't get my exercise in until the boys are in bed for the night. I just want…
Looking for breastfeeding and postpartum mommy friends!
Hello Everyone! I'm back on MFP after almost a year. I lost over 20 lbs the first time and then became pregnant with my second Blessing. He's been here 3 weeks now and I'm ready to shed the baby weight. I'm also exclusively breastfeeding him, and when I had my first son and was EBF him and tried to loose weight I suffered…
Exercises for the butt? :( Need help!
Hello, after two pregnancies and naturally wide hips to begin with, my butt is now wide and flat. :/ I used to have a little "lift and pop" to it, lol and I'd like to get that back. Any suggestions?
Belly dance for postpartum abs?
Has anyone used belly dancing exercising for their postpartum bellies? I've heard that belly dancing is very effective, but I was wondering if anyone had actually done it?
Abs after childbirth?
Hi all! New here, and I'm getting ready to start my weight loss journey. I was wondering what I should know about exercising and toning my abs after childbirth. I'm 20 months post partum, and my stomach muscles were demolished. My son was huge. I have read so much conflicting info on the Internet about what someone should…