Actually...I was trying to post in someone else's discussion. Then I clicked save! Ahhh!! Now I deleted my original post..but it is holding me hostage..till I replace it. lol
I can't count the number of times, I have avoided people I see. These might even be people I like. I just do not want them to see ME. I will never ever accept the fact that I am overweight ( again!). I can be 'normal' weight whatever that is for a long time. Then BOOM! Here I am again..overweight and unhappy and avoiding…
Some good links. Will you add some too?
What coping skills/ strategies do you use to keep an emergency..or otherwise? Example: (:Coping skills...or lack of? ) When I get all wound up & stressed, what I call being "in a twit" lol...I have been known to binge eat several hundred calories. That is not a lot..I know..but it takes me over my 1200. Any…
I think I read somewhere that we can not refer to WW points or any other diet besides the Fitness Pal diet ( counting cals, etc). I like WW points. So is it or not?