Carol_ Member


  • If you go to a site called HEALTHY WEIGH FORUM.ORG they have calculators where u put in your weight, activity level, etc..and it will calculate for you. But please consider more than one source before making a decision. Your Doc may have a chart. Some Doctors are good at weight loss advice and others not. One disadvantage…
  • I eat chocolate eggs at Easter. lol But I don't think the Veggie Chicken could be so bad every now and then.
  • What helped me was trying to include a salad at least 3 or 4 days a week no matter what else I ate. Often I would have a couple of 'quiet times' during the day to relax with coffee or tea and maybe a low calorie snack. Also I allowed myself a few more than the 1200 on weekends..up to around 1400. That gave me something to…
  • And...I might be mistaken..BUT..I think most everyone in my Monday night Weight Weight Watchers class 'ain't from 'round here'!
  • There are a lot of people from up North around here just as overweight as the next person. I do not see that we choose any less healthy than a lot of people from anywhere else does. Though..that lady with the baby..certainly chose wrong.
  • I want to wear a sweater in the Fall without a 'fat roll' hanging over my jeans!
  • What I do is log my first meal of the day when I wake for the day. People do it either way though. I think it is a matter of choice.
  • I do that every now and then when I feel I am starting to eat too much. It help me get turned around and back on track. A lot of people do it to get started.
  • If you look up 'binge eating disorder online help' it will take you to some great forums that you can meet friends and discuss problems and share ideas. I beleive one is called Psych Central.
  • For me adding a little protein like a small piece of cheese with my popcorn or crackers helps.
  • 25 calorie hot chocolate.
  • Look at someone your age that expresses the same image you would like to express. Maybe a friend. Someone on TV? Anybody that is about your size, age, etc. I always think to myself..'Dress to express..not to impress'..therefore my hippie style. lol
  • Good Monday morning everybody! I did not lose anything all week. I was over in cals 2 days but also under 2 days. I am tired of walking the same neighborhood..same places. I was lazy with walking last week. It was like no matter what coat I had on..I was freezing! Ok..New week. New Day. My goal for the day is to walk at…
  • Sometimes..if you are new to a healthy eating plan ( and I do not know if you are or not)..but sometimes motivation runs pretty high during the 'honeymoon phase'. It will me. Meanwhile...keep tracking and don't let yourself get too hungry..and binge!
  • When I graduated high school in 1969 at age 17..I weighed 117. By Summer's end I was gaining weight. It has been an on going battle every since. I am in the140's now. But I have been way higher than that! The difference to me has been this. When I was younger, I lost faster. Now I only lose at about a pound a week. And for…
  • Interesting. 1982. I just looked it up. I'd love to hear your story. Send me a friend request(if you want to that is.)
  • There used to be a sugar free fat free creamer from International Delight. I can not find it anymore. This is a hard one! I have tried everything! I now mostly use those flavored drops. But they are not the same at all. I love creamer! So I will be watching see what you find! Thanks for posting.
  • My goal is to lose 3 more pounds by March 31. (I do not lose fast) I was 148 this morning at home. ( less a couple days ago) I go up and down a few also.
  • This morning I was up 3 pounds at #148. I am always up & down by 3 pounds. It is 8:45 PM ish now. I made Weight Watchers' Cabbage Soup at 75 calories a cup for Supper. Today was a dog sitting day at my daughter's house. Her house is filled with tempting snacks. However rather than eat any, I left her my unopened bag of…
  • I was not very motivated today at all. However I finished under my goal of 1200 calories a day. I also am going to bed with a water ( and my Kindle ) . My dog has been ready for some time. However I have been too busy reading message boards. lol Nite to all. ((hugs))
  • It's possible that calling it a 'cheat day' might have a lot to do with feeling so guilty about it. Often it is the way we perceive a problem rather than the problem itself. If you are losing weight this way..and you said you are. And you have chosen a trainer you trust to guide you and he has suggested you eat a larger…
  • I think you might feel more motivated as you begin to meet some goals rather it be clothing size or scale weight.
  • I go to meetings once a month as a 'lifetime member' which means I only pay once a month or not at all if at goal. For me it is more of a sentimental thing. I worked very hard to earn the lifetime membership.I hate the smart points plan. But I do like weighing in and having it officially recorded. I count calories on MFP.…
  • Hi Trever. Me too..I just like the sound of 2017. I honestly feel this will be the year I will hit goal and stay there. Don't let the anxiety or whatever feeling u have about meeting your father deter you. Likely the anxiety will get worse before it gets better. Sounds like a long and challenging road ahead for you. If u r…
  • 10 pounds a month seems extreme for a female. Everybody...please be careful.
  • If MFP had an in person meeting it would be perfect. Calories never ever change! I always loved Weight Watchers but now they are flip flopping all over the place. Even the meetings are more disorganized. Still..I count calories AND points I never switched to Smart Points though.
  • Raisin Bran with Almond milk, Diet Coke and coffee.
  • My list is very long.
  • Please get ur Doc to refer you to a nutritionist or Dietician. Since it takes healthy eating to heal..they might not want u dieting on ur own. They might even suggest special vitamins etc. I sure hope you will get better soon. Keep us posted?