You will need: Boboli whole weat pizza crust Traditional marinara sauce Chicken breast Low fat mozzerella cheese Artichoke hearts Its under 150 calories for each peice! To get the details- Bye the book "Eat Well, Loose Weight" ITS AWESOME
Can anyone tell me a good dessert to make?
Theres this book- it's really awesome. It possibly is the best diet book that i've ever owned. It's named "Eat well, lose weight" and has over 500 different healthy recipes! The great thing about it is that they really keep in mind that even though the food needs to be healthy- it should actually taste good too! I really…
Everybody goes through the food wall. It's that feeling that even if you literally eat an entire cow- you still wouldn't be satisfied. I was in one last week. I seriously felt like going over to my good friend Micky D's house and eating like a madman- women. Even though you'd love to do the same and end your day with a…