Am I the only one who has the ulterior motivation for weight loss to be because I want to have a much better sex life and have seen it gone down hill with weight gain? Yes we put on our pages that we want to be around longer for our kids and for generally feeling better, but are there other reasons you don't really say out…
OK this post might not last long but since my wife and I talked about it and then looked it up and then found it has already been put into the MFP data base I am not sure it is really inappropriate. But my wife and I were just discussing do we put the calories for every little piece of gum or what have you in your mouth in…
Just curious if anyone is using a heart monitor when they walk or exercise? We are doing something similar to the Biggest Looser at work and the trainer leading it is recommending we purchase a heart monitor that you can read on your wrist while you walk and one that also lets you know calories burned for your age/weight.…
OK guys, another question! I have a few posts on here and one where someone is having a lot of trouble loosing weight even though they are below their calorie goal, and several people are suggesting to make sure he/she is eating their calories. Are you meaning if you work out, exercise and burn calories beyond your normal…