Does anyone incorporate IF with thier Paleo diet for fat loss? I have read about it on Mark's Daily Apple and a few other authors. Just curious if anyone has tried it? I can do it... just needs extra planning.. cause i'm eating my 'breakfast at 10:30 ish and then my eating window is open till about 8.
OK so I got some info off of Mark's Daily apple. (if you are currently not reading it, you should. it's full of great stuff!) but anyways, he suggest eating 50 - 100 g/day for the 'Primal Sweet Spot for effortless weight loss.' along with eating .7-1 g of protien per lean body mass. i am struggling to hit both the numbers.…
My birthday is Coming up! And I want a yummy Paleo Cake. White Lion Baking is not selling product right now. Is anybody aware of any other online Paleo bakeries? Ones that will sell cake mixes?
i should be getting my bag of Vi soon. I eat pretty clean/Paleo 90% of the time. It was suggested to me to try a Vi shake after my Crossfit workouts instead of my protein shakes. what are your thougths? i workout after work and then do a protein shake and then dinner. would this vi shake take the place of the shake and…