

  • oh and keep up the good work!!!!!!!!
  • yes.. you are not eating enough. and i second the recovery protein post workout. i use ARM ( a max muscle product) it works great and taste failry decent -strawberry and watermelon. it does help with feel less sore... but to be honest if you just strated this new workout rotuine.. you will be sore. and somethign to keep in…
  • thank you for posting this! i am going to do this, and this has made it easy to follow! I want to see how a month of doing this will change my body composition and my work outs at the box :) Cant wait to hear about your reults! what are your thoughts on adding protein shakes (High Five from Max Muscle) during the day????
  • Hi Gang - i'm Sam you can call me Sam, Smonks, Sammie i have been eating Paleo since may 2011. and i can totally notice the differenc in my energy levels.. and my JOINTS! i was having constant knee pain. as soon as i cut our grains, dairy, sugar I felt the difference. my weight is about the smae, but i have gone from an…
  • bacon wrapped sweet potatoes: sauted Sweet potato squares in coconut oil and cilli powder for like 5 minutes, then wrap 1/2 or 1/3 piece of bacon and bake till bacon crispy. Bacon/Guac sammies: Half bacon slices and cook. cool. make guacamole. then make sandwiches out of 2 pieces of bacon and guac. Bomb! Quinoa and…
  • I'm in!!! i've done it before.. and loved the results! this will be great motivation
  • i try to eat around 1700. More on my CF work out days. i am 6 feet tall and 150 pounds. i have been down it 143. but that was with really strict eating. it's much easier to stay where i'm at now and my clothes dont fit different. good luck and to everyone.. and don't eat too low.. your body will hold on to fat and not burn…
  • yes, i too love the website. and i have stopped fasting for now. i was not in love with it to begin with. so that was not to terribly hard to do.
  • Wow! I like this website. And I was able to get it to work.. thank you for sharing this with me. sounds like IF is not the thing for women... good to know, especially if i want to have children in the next year.
  • Good to know . Thanks!
  • i would say i eat bacon 6 days a week. sometimes more than 1 x day. And my HDL (Good Chol) has raised through the roof and my LDL(bad Chol) has considerably lowered. keep in mind i also stopped eating processed snacks/breads and most added sugars. I am sure those contribute to the rise of the unhealthy cholesterol levels…
  • I'll have to look into that reverse pyramid. i do Crossfit and i feel that i have leaned out quite a bit, but would like to look toner. But that might where my nutrition comes into to lose the body fat. to get enough protein do you drink any shakes? i do 2 max pro shakes a day and then a recovery after a hard gym class.
  • So i had few bers over the weekend and gluten free pizza... and maybe some chocolate.. ok i went a lot crazy this weekend... and i'll tell you what. My knees hurt so bad, I was up 3 time in the middle of the nigth with an upset stomach and i still don't feel back to normal... So I have decided it is simply not worth it for…
  • I like Paleo digest on Facebook. I links many of the individual pages mentioned above.
  • we are getting tested by water submergsion (sp) you go under water and blow out all your air. i have been eating 1-1.2 grams of protein per LBM and lifting heavy and keeping my carbs around 100. it is really working!
  • Thanks for the feed back everyone. i wanted to share with you all. In 8 weeks, i gained 1 pound on the scale, lost 5 pounds of fat, and gained 6 pounds of muscle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my body fat % went down almost 4%!!!! time to buy some new LuLu workout gear in my new size as a treat! thanks again everyone!
  • Oh Thanks. That was my most recent PR. 145!!!!
  • When i was eating around 50-85 carbs a day. I lost weight on the scale quickly. But now i am in the mode of gaining LBM so I have upped my protein and my Carbs. i eat about 1 gram of protein per LBM and around 100-120 carbs (more on lifting days) I seem to be gaining weight, but am buying smaller workout pants. So i think…
  • Thanks for the snack tips. Yes I have been going through eggs so quickly lately! i can eat 5 a day between breakast and snacks. The last 2 weeks I have been much better at keeping my CHO under 100 and my protein around 115. i am 6 feet tall and right now around 147 pounds. the last body fat test I did (water submerg…
  • just wanted to share.. that there is yummy paleo jerky at there is one store in my town that sells it, and they mark it up pretty high. So i buy it on line. but it is sooooo good! i would recommend getting that Jerky
  • Do you allow yourself more carbs on your workout days?
  • Oh yes Paleo jerky. Everything I buy from them is great! And thanks for the lunch meat idea. Do you get fresh shaved or ore packaged.
  • Thanks Everyone! I am trying to lean out and gain muscle. I have never been so strict with watching things so closely... but now that i'm trying to drop body fat i guess i have to. afterlooking at my daily logs it was apparent that i have to give up my fruit for now :( and yes i live on bacon and eggs, i don't do dairy ot…
  • this was a great resource. thanks!
  • well whats good for you is goor for your family as well. i would suggest getting a cake mix from or (both are great) and and topping it with whipped made from coconut milk and fresh berries. that way you are not feeding you loved ones all those gut irritating items and you can enjoy the…
  • yes this worked wonders for me!
  • Carbs and sugard are not bad things. you want to make sure you are getting them from healthy sources (Veggies, fruits, whole grains) you want to avoid suag and carbs from processed foods and baked goods. i will say this. if you are trying to lean out i would cut down on the amount of fruit. in the original post all that…