Aparently Im not eating enough for my health i have about 1500 c a day and i excercise a lot and this cancels a lot out it says i should be losing too much weight in a week but actually ive lost nothing. it says im goin be unhealthy and super slim in 5 weeks but nothing is happening. its been 3 weeks now same weight and (I…
I have never ever got used Listening to music on a run i guess thats old fashioned but it kinda puts me off. Ive tried may be once or twice but just dont get it ? My distances at moment are short so wouldnt be worth it anyway lol I was thinking of getting a new Garmin watch but the music would be a waste for me. Anyone…
Because i dont work on a saturday and i can pig out my diet with take away and few beers or night in local pub hahahha ooo im bad !
well its thursday and im not at work so im having a few beers i dont believe it will make much diff to losing a few pounds hang me beat me lollllllllllllllllllllllll
Just started this for real today tried before Christmas and gave up when the snow came hahah Well day 1 with new set of scales ive lost 3lbs already wow hahha