Before and after so far Taken 10/7/2012 Taken yesterday
Hi all probably asked before but here goes ........ I am a mobile dog washers and my new fitbit picks up my steps but doesn't take into account the washing so I enter the washing on MFp. I did and then I got a negative is this correct ? Soooo confused
Hr while exercising Ok here we go. I have 3 heart ectopic beats so my heart beats extra beats with no blood movement . I box hardcore sparring. And put my new polar heart monitor on today and my trainer freaked out my heart rate went up to 93 beats with my average over 80 minutes being 145. Is this an issue or is it the…
Ok I am 3 years into journey and have lost 60 odd kgs now I am getting into body building and everyone is telling me to up my calorie intake , now I struggle to get to 1000 calories. And a surgeons website says to do 1000. What does everyone else do ? How many calories do you have a day ? Thanks
Hi I am traing 2 hours a day , Muay Thai and boxing. . I have had lap band surgery 4 years ago and have lost 67 kgs but want the last 20 off I can't seem to physically eat enough to get calorie count up. I am also allergic to all nuts and olives. Any ideas ? I eay cream butter protein powders nothing low fat
Oh thank god I found you guys . I am struggling to consume 600 calories a day and everyone is saying I have a problem and need help pfftt. So not supportive ! I am 40 and 5 ft 4. I have lost 55 kgs since the 2 years since my banding. I am down to 79 kgs almost there .
Hi everyone I am back after a long break. What I need to know is how many calories I should be having ? The system says 1200 but I can't even eat half that !