Liquid Calories-TOTALLY CONFUSED (as usual)
Liquid calories are considered sooo dangerous. Is this because most people don't account for them in their daily caloric intake, so most likely you are consuming a lot more calories than you think because people just don't think to add in their liquid calories? Because I'll admit, I drink coke and sweetened coffee, and…
calories burned combining walking and jogging
I do not own a heart rate moniter, (I know, I need to get one) so I have simply been plugging in my info into Calorie Burned Calculators I find online. My question is, my work out usually consists of going to the track and running the straights (fairly fast paced. Faster than a jog but slower than a sprint) and then…
i haven't been eating enough
With work and school and just a busy schedule in general lately, I've looked at my calorie totals and I've been averaging about 700it calories a day for the past few weeks. I know that's not good so I am going to make it a point to eat more but I'm nervous that these three weeks being low like that if I start eating more,…
If weight loss is simply "Calories in vs Calories out"
If weight loss really is as simple as people like to say where it's suppose to just be, burn more calories than you put in, then why are there all these rules about having to eat a certain amount of times per day, having to eat a certain amount of meals or a certain amount of food per day at certain times? It gets really…
The happy medium between dieting and eating everything
So I've found that when I go on a diet. I like, restrict my calories waaay to much. Like, 600 a day. because I'm scared that by allowing myself one little thing, I'll end up eating way too much and blow my diet. But whenever I'm not dieting or watching what I eat. I pretty much just allow myself anything I want. What is a…