Hey everyone on tuesday The 10th I started my journey with herbalife. I started taking the formula 1 shake once a day and yesterday I moved to 2 shakes a day. Along with that I take a few other things. I would like some advice as to if everything that I am taking is fine or to much etc. I started Tuesday at 191 and am at…
Hi everyone I am new here. I started on Tuesday my weightloss journey with Herbalife. I am using a bunch of their products although not sure if I should be using any specific ones. I am looking and trying to lose atleast 50 lbs.
Hi everyone. Yesterday I started adding the prolessa duo to my breakfast shake. I would like to know if it can be added to both shakes. Also can anyone tell me if the formula 1 bottle will last for a month or will I need to order a second bottle for the month.