I am 24 years old.. not exactly over weight, but i need to get toned up desperatly! I dont want to be a workout model or anything like that.. just be nice and firm and tone.. I have been working out like 30 minutes everyday which does not include bike rides or walks with my kids. (I have very little muscle at the moment…
If you are with me let me know! We can check in once a week or everyday if ud like!! :) Im am goign to be sticking iwth beginner to start since i am out of shape but if you want og move ahead feel free!
I just bought the Firm bootcamp 101 dvd set. It was $14 and you get the movie, a jump rope, and a 5pd weight ball. I tried it yesterday as soon as i gothome.. and that was bad idea.. I already had a headache and was hot.. and this dvd really pushs you! But I got about 15 minutes thru it and had to stop.. my goal is to get…
I recently got the DVD the Firm boot camp 101.. And i was wondeirng how to add it to my record?