:wink: Hi..Im looking for tips on how people went from being sedentary to up & moving working out? Most of the things I enjoy doing are not physical exertion type activities..How do I get up & get going and do you enjoy working out?
Hi..I posted this elsewhere but Im new to the site...I can barely stand up from lower back pain that set in a couple days after my workout...Ibuprofen & Heat are minimally effective..Any suggestions?..Thanks oh & ...**OUCH**!!!!!!!
:sad: Hi All!! ..I used a free pass at the gym the other day & I assume I over did it. I can barely move today from lower back pain. I truly can hardly stand?!?!...It didnt bother me the day I worked out so I dont get it..Heat & Ibuprofen have been minimally effective any suggestions? THANKS!