Hi everyone, I just wanted to share... My dear wife has found a site "Green Monster Movement" featuring healthy shakes. My problem is that most of them have banana in them, which I am allergic to... So, we have created our own shakes. They are all healthy, and super filling, thus reducing my cravings for afternoon snacks…
Hi Guys (and Gals) I'm kinda new here, but one thing I do get to do is PT. (physical training) It helps that I'm required to work out every morning, and now, every afternoon. But what I wanted to share was some Ideas on exercise. What I'm talking about is Army PT and our APFT. The Army Physical Fitness Test is what we use…
Hi, I'm Adam, and I'm a chunky guy! Acutally I'm at 26% body fat which is totally unacceptable according to my boss. (I'm Army) So, I figured I would try this and track my progress. So Far, I'm in pretty good shape. I work out every morning and every afternoon. I eat cause I love food, and a good healthy dose of stress…