

  • We just got done grocery shopping and found "ultra pasteurized" egg whites. They even say on the carton that they are good for shakes because they are "U.P." I will be trying them in my shakes to boost protein and potassium levels. This, of course, in lieu of bananas.
  • While you are quite right about the "general population" this APFT is, in fact, a good way to keep tabs on how you are progressing through your work outs and fitness routines. Everyone has different goals, and while I am still scoring in the 285 range, I am still "over weight" by Army standards. So, yes, I'm fit, but still…
  • While "girl" push-ups do not count, they are useful in building strength to be able to get off your knees and do "regular" ones. I frequently find myself having to go to my knees just to maintain correct form. I have a link to a website that is dedicated to the APFT and training for it. The scoring scales are not exactly…
  • Round About Recipe: 1 cup raw spinach leaves 4 - 5 strawberries (halved) 1/2 cup blueberries 1/2 cup raw cantaloupe chunks 1 cup milk (2%, Silk, Skim, whatever you like) 2 Tbsp peanut butter 1 Tbsp flax 4 ice cubes Put the items in a blender, with the lighter stuff on bottom so they blend more evenly and blend the crap out…
  • You are so right, spinach is Yummy, but you can't taste it, it just makes the shake green!
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