"We've dropped the price of Zombies, Run! across Apple and Android platforms by 75%! Grab it quick, though. We'll be putting the price back up on September 3rd. Zombies, Run! 5k Training has also had its price dropped to just $0.99. Perfect for the cooler autumn weather." So, if you're thinking about buying, now's the time!
The subject really says it all... I'm going to get an exercise ball and I'm not sure if I should get one with or without sand in it. I'll use it for general exercise. Any advice? TIA :)
The more I read the more It seems like a 50/50 split to me... some say palm is easier because there's more muscle groups involved. Some say forearm is easier because it's using your skeleton/bones to hold you more than your muscles. Does anyone know with certainty? I've found evidence to support both theories, so remain…