Paleo Websites/Recipes
Hi there, I'm going to start the Paleo diet and am looking for some help with finding information and recipes that are delicious! Any suggestions are appreciated, and please feel free to add me!
Going dairy free, need help!
Does anyone have some tasty dairy free recipes? I have to give up cheese and yogurt etc, and need some new inspiration!
Jillian Michaels Videos
I have a few of her videos that I haven't tried yet; I'm just wondering if people have tried them and if they were worthwhile? Any opinions are helpful! Thanks
New friends for support?
Hi there everyone! I'm working on losing a bit more weight and getting more in shape. My scale is broken so I'm not sure how many more pounds I need to lose, but I'm guessing about 15. I love to eat healthy, so most of the time I'm great about eating on track. The other times I'm eating terribly, because I'm frustrated by…
Staying motivated?
Hello; I'm great at starting to eat healthy and exercise, but after a week or a little more I get frustrated about tracking everything! I know that I need to track and be mindful of what I eat, but I get so impatient. How does everyone else stay motivated? I need tips!
Work snacks
Hi there; I've recently started a new job and need some ideas for healthy snacks! I used to work from home so I haven't had to think about packing food! I can't eat Hummus or most cheese. I'm looking for low calorie, and filling! Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Salmon Steak
I bought a salmon steak for my dinner tonight, and I need some help. I really am not a fan of fish, so I don't ever buy it, and therefore don't know how to cook it. The only way I know is on the BBQ, but I need a way to cook it using my oven. How do I do it? I have a lemon-dill dry spice thing to flavour it. Thanks.
I have a bunch of kale that I made kale chips with (they were great) and now I want to try it another way...any ideas for me?