Picking good workout partners
I strongly believe there is strength in numbers and having a good support team around you helps to keep you focused, maybe make you a little competitive and perhaps make you feel that your not the only one in this stuggle with weight. That being said ...I have had the worst luck finding fitness partners. I started playing…
Trying new things
I've always been a closet exerciser. Having body image issues I thought it best to hide while working out. I've been hiding for well over a year now and this week I've tried a new approach that seems to work so I thought i'd share it. You know the term dance like no one is watching? Well my new gym mantra is work out like…
Body Image
"I would kill for the body I hated 5 years ago" That thought occurred to me yesterday in the gym. I have epiphany after epiphany whilst sweating away on the treadmill. Five years ago was also 50lbs ago and even though I thought my size 14 was huge it sure beat the 18-20 I'm squeezing into now. That was before I quit…