Females, 50's, middleage weight gain?
I need help and motivation from others that are fighting this battle! :smile:
Even housework can be a good workout...who knew? lol
I would like to thank www.pandora.com for providing wonderful background music to my sweeping, dusting, kitchen cleanup and folding laundry chores tonight. A special thanks to Mr. Billy Joel. "New York State of Mind" is always inspiring and hauntingly beautiful! :wink:
Help for a beginner...seriously a beginner
Ok....I need some help....I can't go from couch to marathon without some in between help. Anyone that is just getting up and starting to walk...I need some warm up exercises and I need to know how to stretch without pulling, tearing or otherwise injuring something in this soon to be 50 year old body. I was too ambitious a…
I turn 50 in July '12 ..please tell me I can do this :-)
Hi, found "myfitnesspal" while browsing iphone apps. I have never counted calories before. I have done points with weight watchers with minimal success and lost over 50 pounds on Atkins 4 years ago. Stress eating (taking care of both parents while they were ill) put it all back on plus some. Atkins diet was so easy the…