California living.
whats up everyone, My name is Daniel, I'm 29 years old turning 30 in less than a month. Coming up to thirty im pretty proud of what I have accomplished so far in life. The drive is still inside me. I feel that I have been so busy in life, i haven't really been paying attention to myself. Time for me to change how i treat…
Map my ride users
I linked map my ride so I can record my bike rides. Anyone else getting on the bike for cardio like I am. Add me if your looking for support, or just want someone to join you on your trek.
Almost 30 and gotta get back into a health Im looking to loose about 30lbs.
Hello MFP community, My name is Danny, 29 years old, and trying to get back into shape. This winter i have put on some weight and trying to get in line to loose this. I hope MFP can help guild me. Anybody in the same boat. add me as a friend. i keep a food diary, and use mapmyride(Biking).
Need to get healthier, and back into shape.
hello all, My name is Danny. I've been on here before fire awhile but sort fell off the wagon of sorts. I'm ready to get back into it. Need to loose almost 40 lbs. I like to bikes, been very infrequent since Nov,2014 but I'm going to get back into it. Looking to meet a few likeminded people to support my long road ahead.
Complex Carbs?? why are they complex, what food=C.C
So I Went last night to meet a gym owner/trainer/ registered dietitian.The guy was really nice and really informative said eating carbs is not a bad thing, but they need to be complex carbs. like broccoli, sweet potatoes. while i like both I would like more variety. Does anyone have any insight on "complex carbs" Also does…
Twenty eight and over weight, I want to go to a gym...
Whats up everybody, My name is Danny, I'm 28 years old, havent been to a gym in about three years. I want to get back into it. I need to re-learn how to workout. I weigh 216lbs, im 5'11''. I cant afford a trainer, but i want to get a regimen going. I want to loose weight and get more toned. I have Bad feet so i cant jump…
Turned 28 today, time to get back into shape
Hello all, My name is Daniel, I have a busy work life, and Family life. I have one son 4 years old hes hilarious. My fiancee is great. I've been a bit unfocused for a year or so, gained some weight and need to get back into shape. I'm going to attend a wedding in July in Lake Como, Italy. I want to feel comfortable in…
West coast states
I seem to have a few good friends from all over but not many from the west coast. I usually on at night and need some people I can bounce Ideas around and get some Support in the later hours when I feel to tired to workout. please add me
new to My Fitness Pal
I actually found this as an app on my phone i haven't used it on my phone once. But i have been using this since Monday and i like the fact i can track my work out and food consumption. I get to see the junk food i eat and can make a conscious effort to eat better. My son is almost 2 year of age. I want to be able to…