im stuck at fat loss and have been hearing alot of good about this fasting,do im gonna give the 36 hr fast a try starting today,whats everyones thought on this type of diet.....good or bad?
come on guys and gals.dont put to much thought into who you are and who you want to be without thinking of who you really want to be.carbs,no carbs,high protein,low fat,2%,whats your macros really telling you
if you have the kind of friends that are giving you grief over the lifesytle you are tring to lead than you might have to make a choice,is these "freinds" more important than your health and fitness.NO.truth is living healthy all year long is not easy and not just anyone has the will power to achieve this feat,so live…
intrested in fitness and healthy lifestyles,open for advise and questions.