This is super hard. I cant stop cheating after dinner i keep looking for sweet treats.
Hey Ya'll! My name is Esma and im a Yo Yo dieter. Facts: I have recently started the Insanity challange. I am up to Week 2. Getting married May 2015 in Fiji. My weight is 64 kilos. My parters weight is 62 kilos. I LOVE chocolate too much. I live with my partner. Ok so with all that said, we have a pre wedding party this…
hi guys do you know when its best to increase your calorie intake ? i have stopped losing weight and ive noticed some people are doing this. thanks !!
OK SO! I have no motivation to lose KGs anymore so my boyfriend offered to purchse the following after i have reached certain levels of my goal : Lost 1 KG - Pandora charm Another 1 KG - Swatch watch Another 1 KG -Shoes Another 1 KG -Bag Another 1 KG -61 – Lois and Clark- Superman box set Another 1 KG -60 – Jeans :) Maybe…
how do you guys feel about people staring at you ? i was in the lift the other day and this guy kept staring and staring, looking up and down, left to right ! i told him politely "i am uncomfortable with you staring so much" and he said "hmmppfff ok" and gave me a dirty look - as though i was insulting him for not allowing…
Hi Guys!! i am fairly new at this. I added the app on my phone months ago and forgot i had it then came accross it when i was cleaning out my phone and IVE BEEN HOOKED since. This service is EXCELLENT for monitoring my daily intake and my exersize. Now i want to use it too its full potential. I need FRIENDS to keep me…