Has anyone else found that the bigger their waistline got the more invisible they became? Girls or guys that used to catch your eye cease to even acknowledge your existence at all? I think the military are missing a trick, they should send a truck load of guys like me on stealth missions instead of super fit Navy Seals to…
It's a great cause but I just can't bring myself to grow a hairy caterpillar over my top lip. Any guys (or girls ! ! !) currently sporting a 'tache that want to put me to shame?
. . . she's been ill all night. Baby has come down with it too. Dr Sampson to the rescue ! ! !
It's unfortunately true that I get really interested in gadgets and apps so finding this for my phone (in conjunction with Runkeeper) has made losing weight a lot easier. Stupid, isn't it, but it is such a help to have the difference between a Jimmy John's #10 with or without mayo, for example, displayed with such a…