Did everyone eat their groundhog yesterday? :-) (I've actually had it - years ago. It's a little gamey....)
Using my before and after pics to see if I can figure out how to post a picture...Did I do it right? Thx!
I love reading about everyone's NSV's (non-scale victory to you newbies out there.) I celebrate one every time I bend over to tie my shoe. I can't even begin to tell you how great it is to shop for clothes somewhere other than a Big/Tall shop. But every once in a while, you need a victory on the scale. Today, my wife had…
Well, there's one more thing I can mark off my bucket list - my first 5k run. Well, actually it was more of a 5k jog. I guess if you want to get technical it was a 5k jog / walk / jog-a-little-more / walk-a-little-more. But in any case I finished it, and in an amazing 41 minutes and 7 seconds! Isn't that some kind of…
A Couch Potato's Resurrection - (A regular guy's venture into the world of fitness) Call it what you want - mojo, motivation, energy, willpower...I've never had it. Even in high school, I was always on the sidelines - never a player. There was that stint on the Academic Decathlon team, but I don't think that counts as…