The Ultimate Reason for weight loss
Hi there. I have now lost 1/3 of the weight I wanted to and am almost at a "normal" BMI. As soon as I tipped into this range something really unexpected but great happened. S-E-X!!!!!!!:blushing: Yes that's right sex. Thinking about it, wanting it, looking forward to it, enjoying it. I'm almost 45 and had noticed that in…
Eating enough when sick-need help
Hi: Woke up this morning to a sore throat, low grade fever and a headache. Damn it!!!! I've got a cold. This is frustrating for 2 reasons. 1. Every other attempt I've made at weight loss has ended because of a cold or injury. I'm worried that this will happen again. 2. I'm not hungry when I'm sick. I really don't feel like…
Just needed to Say I did it.
OK. I don't get much support at home. My hubby would like to see me lose some weight but all he says is that..."I would like you to lose a little weight". No you are doing a great job of trying. I can see how hard this is for you, but I believe in you. He has even said "1.5 lbs this week, that's it??" like he expected that…
It's Me... and I need help
Hi: I will be turning 45 soo and my scale just tipped over the 150 lbs mark. This cannot be happening. I've got to do something and now. So, I have started Curves, Tae Kwon Do (which I love by the way), and now healthful eating plan. My goal is 120 lbs. I know I can do it. It just seems a little daunting when I think that…