Turbo fire & Shakeology... anyone try this
I cannot shake 15lbs regardless of following mfp since November. I am seriously considering turbo fire and Shakeology.. Anyone followed this and have feedback?
Need puppy name ideas for my soon baby boy puppy
We are getting a new sheltie puppy on Saturday and are struggling with a name. Our last sheltie we had to put down and he was named Buzz (after buzzlight year.. lol my son as 3 then) The names so far we have picked out.. but nobody in our family agrees on one name.. we need more of a selection. Names: Jax Cooper Oodie ANy…
Bazil Butt or Turbo Fire.. give me your best dvd/combo with
I need to lose about 20lbs and tone ALL over.. especially my butt, thighs and my arms. I bought the Brazil Butt but am not so sure I'm in love with ALL of the dvd's. I also have a treadmill and a bowflex machine. I had the best ever results about 6 years ago on the bowflex but cannot remember my routine and cannot find a…
DVD Recommendations for Arms?
I am looking for a short workout dvd to do for my arms that have seemed to pick up the "got potators" look. The used to be tone and sexy but now they seem mush and flabby. Can anyone recommend a video. I need to get my summer arms back before it's short sleeve season.
Recommendation for a great arm toning DVD?
I really need to work my arms out and get them back into shape before summer. They have started to have the "lunch lady" look and I used to have defination. booo :-( Anyone have a good dvd that they have used that they can recommend?