5:2 Results
Hi, I have started the 5:2 plan this week and was just wondering if anyone had any success in losing weight this way? If so, how much did you lose in what length of time and if you have any photos, that would be much appreciated. Thanks.
5' 4" Ladies Success pics please
Hi, As the title says. It would be great and very motivational to see some successes of ladies around the same height as me. :)
Brazil Butt Lift or Butt Bible
Hi, As the title says. I am thinking of getting one of those two and am wondering what other people thought of them, which one they preferred and/or which one others had better success with. Thanks.
UK Cake Mixes with unbaked nutritional information
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knew of any other UK cake mixes that list the cake mix nutritional values unbaked rather than baked with the ingredients added as per the instructions? The only ones I have found so far are Betty Crocker ones. Any help would be much appreciated.
Won Ton Wrappers or Phyllo/Fillo/Filo Dough?
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows which one of these are generally lower in cals, fat, sodium? Also, are they both equally easy/difficult to work with? Thanks.
Any UK skinny/low fat recipe websites or blogs out there?
Hi, I have seen some great US websites and blogs with low fat recipes, but I was wondering if there were any similar UK websites as I find conversions and looking for UK product equivalents a bit much work at times. Thanks.
Egg Beaters in the UK
Hi, I keep reading about these. Does anyone know if they are (or something similar) available in the UK? Thanks.