Hi, can someone tell me how should i set my profile. the thing is that i work in a office all day but to go to my job i have to walk 1.5 KM every day each way 3KM every day for 5 days a week... should i leave on sedentary or should i change to lightly mode! help with this!
Hola, algun dominicano que este en este viaje a ser delgado que se le este haciendo dificil bajar de peso por la dieta de nuestro pais!
Is incredible, i have been doing every day under my goal calorie eating my exercise work and givin a extras exercise calorie and i gain a pound, should be lose a pound but i gain, how come? Feeling confused! Help! I know someday a eat more but i burn this calories,... I m thinking going back to the couch feeling down!
I know this question was answer before but i still no sure so here i come... Sorry if i should post in other place i'm new! This is my firts doubt about this page, i have never write one before cause english is not my firts language, but i need help and maybe some one can help me! Hi, firts of all i love all the work that…