Hello Ladies! I am hoping to get some info here. I have always lifted weights but I had a pretty bad fracture on my right index finger and my hand got pretty injured in August. Until recently I could not do any type of upper body lifting, and now I can hold little weights (5lbs) - I do have the pear body shape, so my arms…
Hello beautiful people! I have a question regarding my heart rate zones -- and need some help. I am 32 y/o and understand the 60% 70% 80% n max HR for my age. Right now I am doing 45 mins cardio. When I do 'easy' cardio my heart rate is already up @ 160-165 average. When I pump it up a bit to break a sweat I am 175…
Hello everyone! OKAY - so I was randomly searching for calorie calculators (Ahhhh the joy of calorie counting) and found this website. Although I am in an "alright" weight I think I could drop 10-15 more pounds, BUT does anyone feel like these are the HARDEST ONES TO LOOOOOOOOOOSE???!!! :) I guess my biggest problem is to…