Hey Everyone! It's that time of year again, back to the hectic and fun times in college. I hope everyone had a great summer (I know some of you may still be on break unlike me who's had her first day of classes) Over the summer I read this weight loss book aimed towards college students called: Secrets to Losing Weight in…
Hi everyone! My name is Alicia.. I created this group because I'm in College and with my hectic life I don't eat the way I should or workout like should. A couple weeks ago I realized I need to change this because I had gained the freshmen 15 and then some. I am the type of person who can't afford to gain anymore weight. I…
Anyone who would like to start a topic can.. you guys don't have to wait for me to make one... hope everyone is having a good break!.. if you're on break yet
How's everyone semesters turning out?? I have my last final tomorrow and then I'm jersey bound!! :smile:
Sorry Everyone! The past few days have been very hectic... and filled with not watching what we had to eat..... at least that's what happened to me. With all this craziness I also missed out on going to the gym...So now that I'm back at school I'm getting back on the wagon and eating healthy and working out regularly...…