Hi! Can you really get rid of fat thighs with dimples and cellulite? I'm so discouraged when I look in the mirror. Has anyone had good success in toning ugly jiggly wiggly thighs? If so, please share with me how you did it! I've tried walking/jogging with little success. I'm not over weight but I have horrible thighs!!…
I love high fiber foods, beans, pears, brocolli and so on. They are so filling and good for me but they give me horriable gas! my family HATES me all the time because of it! My stomach bloated and i always weigh more the next day after haveing a meal that contains more fiber, like 2 lbs more. It is so discouraging when im…
anyone tried any successful at home body wraps?
Hello~ I am getting old and fat and nothing is working for me. Seem as if the harder i work, the more i gain. I have always felt like a chubby but have been able to loose weight so easy in the past. I have been a serious gym goer a diet pill user anything it took to get my weight down. Then it slowly creeps back. I am the…