I've also been looking at giving Skinny Fiber a try....all I ever see on facebook or the internet about this product are positive testimonials, I never hear anything negative....does it really work for everyone? And what happens after you stop taking it? Would love to hear from others who have experience with this product.…
Hey, Has anyone heard of Kyle Leon's Customized Fat Loss plan, and if so, is it legit? Does his program really have the secrets I need to lose fat and do I really get a customized meal plan for my body type? I'm a little skeptical since its only $47. Any thoughts and input would be appreciated.
Over the last month, I have made a conscious effort to go to the gym at least 4 times/week and do cardio - 40 minutes on the elliptical and then some weight training for arms and legs. I have also been eating a lot better, not always great, but under 1500 calorie each day. So, why have I gained weight??? I'm eating better…